Halperin-Felus, a leading company in the field of surveying, photogrammetry and geographic information systems,
was formed in 1975 to meet the needs of civil engineers, architects, surveyors and geographic data users.
The company is committed to the finest quality and customer service in the industry.
The staff at Halperin-Felus utilizes state-of-the-art digital equipment to deliver quality mapping products
and to provide a complete solution to engineering and GIS projects including:
High Precision Photogrammetric Scanning
Map Scanning and Computerizing
Digital Orthophotography
Digital photogrammetric mapping from engineering to topographic scales
Creating a Geographic Information System
Accurate Control Surveying
Construction Surveying
Cross-sections and Profile Generation, Earthworks Volumes Calculations
In 1997, Halperin Felus Surveying and Photogrammetry LTD has adopted ISO-9001 standards as part of it’s continuing efforts to improve the quality and relevance of it’s work.
Our certification has been renewed in 2015